Solutions > public sector & National SecuRity > FEDERAL CIVILIAN
Flashpoint for Federal Civilian Agencies
In today’s evolving threat landscape, government organizations must stay prepared and make prompt, informed decisions to protect assets and potentially save lives.
Flashpoint is the leader in delivering proven, trusted threat intelligence to public sector agencies. Federal Civilian teams rely on Flashpoint’s combination of best-in-class cloud-based software and professional services to give them the edge against threats, bad actors, criminals, and nation-states.

Federal Civilian solutions include:
- Extensive data collections and technical intelligence
- Real-time, geospatial social media data, and intuitive analytical functionality
- Support from best-in-class intelligence experts
- Tailored training to ensure your team realizes continual value from our solutions
Key initiatives we support:
Criminal intelligence
Identify groups and individuals participating in illegal activities like trafficking, illicit commerce, violent crimes, and cyber attacks.
Crisis and event monitoring
Improve situational awareness with real-time social data from anywhere in the world. Identify mentions of relevant keywords, groups, and topics, and analyze their potential impact.
Ransomware prevention and response
Learn how to avoid ransomware or cyber extortion attacks altogether, and in case of an attack, leverage our team to determine the extent, execute a response plan, and mitigate the impact.
Cyber network defense
Prevent breaches and protect your assets by gaining a holistic understanding of the tools, tactics, and procedures used to target your organization. Analyze malware and actionable indicators of compromise for network defense.
Federal civilian offerings
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“In order for National Security leaders to make data-driven decisions, they need timely data to inform and develop actionable insights, based on the unique needs of each operation. Flashpoint provides the most comprehensive OSINT solutions today to support the different needs of the National Security market globally.”