
Cyber Threat Intelligence Index: Q3 2023 Edition

Data, insights, and analysis on the most impactful events and threats that took place between July 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023—from vulnerabilities and ransomware to data breaches and insider threat.

October 24, 2023
Flashpoint’s monthly look at the cyber risk ecosystem affecting organizations around the world, including intelligence, news, data, and analysis about ransomware, vulnerabilities, data breaches, and insider threats.

A deeper look into vulnerabilities, malware, ransomware, and insider threat

As 2023 unfolds, Flashpoint continues to see how threat actors leverage cyber threats to compromise organizations.

In the Cyber Threat Intelligence Index: Q3 2023 Edition, we take a deeper look into the states of ransomwarevulnerabilitydata breachinsider threat, and malware—providing the data behind the most impactful events and threats so far. Using these trends and insights, organizations can improve their intelligence-led defenses to better protect their assets.

Download the report to learn:

  • How many of Q3’s disclosed vulnerabilities have a working proof-of-concept, or are remotely exploitable.
  • What the top malware families and types used by threat actors are in Q3, as well as their favorite tactics and techniques.
  • How many stolen records threat actors made away with, and which industries were the most targeted.
  • Who the most prolific ransomware groups are in Q3, and which countries and industries they are targeting.
  • How many malicious insiders were offering their services.

Flashpoint’s Cyber Threat Intelligence Index: Q3 2023 Edition

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