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Ransomware on the Attack: Tools to Fight Back
July 28th, 2021 | 1:00 PM EST
Since Flashpoint started tracking ransomware attacks, the United States has led the count as the most targeted country, followed by Canada and the United Kingdom. Our analysts assess that the US and US-based companies will remain the prime targets for future ransomware collectives. With the influx of ransomware attacks that have been prevalent throughout the past year, can you say that your organization is fully prepared to handle an event like this?
Flashpoint analysts, Bryan Oliver and Anya Vysotskaya, will brief attendees on the latest trends seen within the ransomware landscape and the insight available into these attacks within Flashpoint’s Industry Ransomware Dashboard and platform. Your team is able to access snapshots of ransomers and victims, showcasing critical details including country and industry and all attendees will benefit from a first-hand look at this new technology.