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Hacker Hotshots Webisode: Ransomware: How to Combat Evolving Extortion Techniques in 2021
January 12th, 2021
Just like every other attack type, ransomware is not static. Attackers continue to evolve their tactics with new methods to deploy and execute ransomware and to kick you out of your own critical IT systems, networks, and applications.
Worse yet, is your team prepared to handle the fallout should ransomware befall your organization? Attackers today quickly assess the maturity of their corporate victims’ response efforts and determine which of their post-attack techniques will compel victims to pay up.
During this webisode Flashpoint’s Director of Intelligence, Christopher ‘Tophs’ Elisan, will explore many of the new tactics and techniques now in the extortionist tool belt.
Viewers will walk away with:
- A fresh view of the 2021 ransomware landscape.
- Flashpoint’s in-depth threat analysis of new extortion techniques.
- Mitigation strategies you can apply to combat effective extortion techniques.

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